NOT THE MUSIC / RE DO (Ref. TDB9022cd)

Publié le 2014-12-25
15 €
7 en stock (in stock)
Les Allumés du Jazz

Artistes / Artists
Eric Normand, Philippe Lauzier


Bruits doux et linéarité rompue, le duo de Philippe Lauzier et Éric Normand propose un environnement sonore contemplatif, mais toujours au bord du gouffre, domptant les monstres de la rugosité. Ils explorent les chants cachés de leurs instruments et font glisser les ongles sur un tableau d’ardoise sans faire frotter les dents.

The Canadian duo of reedist Philippe Lauzier and bassist Eric Normand freely improvise in sound environments that are both introspective and precarious, using subtle and aberrant approaches to playing that evoke unusual aspects of their instruments in oddly refined dialog.
"With their gentle noise and cracked linearity, the duo of Philippe Lauzier and Eric Normand enact a sound environment that is contemplative yet stands on the edge of the precipice; an environment in which the monsters of rough texture are tamed. Calling forth hidden lyricism from their instruments, Messrs. Lauzier and Normand scrape their fingernails across the proverbial blackboard to exquisite effect."-Tour De Bras

Philippe Lauzier (bcl) Éric Normand (b)

Pistes Audios:
1) Not the Music A - 14'46
2) Not the Music B - 13'56
3) Not the Music C - 09'21
Les Allumés du Jazz

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